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The Magical Adventure of Luna the Cat

  Once upon a time in a quiet little village, there lived a curious cat named Luna. Luna wasn't an ordinary cat; she had a special power. When the moon was full and bright, Luna could talk to the animals in the forest. One evening, as Luna gazed out of the window, she noticed the moon glowing like a giant lantern in the night sky. She knew it was time for her magical adventure. Luna slipped out of the house and ventured into the deep, mysterious forest. As Luna walked deeper into the woods, she heard the soft rustling of leaves and the gentle hooting of an owl. It was Owly, the wise old owl. Luna greeted Owly and told him about her adventure. Owly said, "Tonight, Luna, the forest animals have a problem. The river has dried up, and we're all thirsty. Can you help us find water?" Luna nodded and said, "I'll do my best, Owly." With Owly perched on her back, Luna started her journey through the forest. Along the way, they met a squirrel named Sammy, a rabbit


 It was a warm, sunny morning.

In his small house at the other side of thewood Mr Tickle was asleep.

You didn't know that there was such a thingas a Tickle, did you?

Well,there is!

Tickles are small and round and they havearms that stretch and stretch and stretch.

Extraordinary long arms!

Mr Tickle was fast asleep. He was having adream, it must have been a very funny dreambecause it made him laugh out loud,and thatwoke him up.

He sat up in bed, stretched his extraordinarylong arms, and yawned an enormous yawn.

Mr Tickle felt hungry, so do you know what he did?

He reached out one of his extraordinary long

arms, opened the bedroom door, reached down

the stairs, opened the kitchen door, reached into

the kitchen cupboard, opened the biscuit tin, took

out a biscuit, brought it back upstairs, in through

the bedroom door and back to Mr Tickle in bed.

As you can see, it's very useful indeed having

arms as long as Mr Tickle's.

Mr Tickle munched his biscuit. He looked out of

the window.

"Today looks very much Like a tickling day,


thought to himself.

So, later thatt morning, after Mr Tickle had

made his bed and cooked his breakfast, he

set off through the wood.

As he walked along, he kept his eyes very wide

open, looking for somebody to tickle.

Looking for anybody to tickle!

Eventually Mr Tickle came to school.

There was nobody about, so, reaching up his

extraordinary long arms to a high window

ledge, Mr Tickle pulled himself up and peeped

in through the open window.

Inside he could see a classroom.

There were children sitting at their desks,

and a teacher writing on the blackboard.

Mr Tickle waited a minute and then reached in

through the window.

Mr Tickle's extraordinary long arm went right

up to the teacher, paused, and then -tickled!

The teacher jumped in the air and turned

round very quickly to see who was there.

But there was nobody there!

Mr Tickle grinned a mischievous grin.

He waited another minute, and then tickled

the teacher again.

This time he kept on tickling until soon the

teacher was laughing out loud and saying,

"Stop it! Stop it!" over and over again.

All the children were laughing too at such a

funny sight.

There was a terrible pandemonium.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cNh1-kVOoi2t-ChXHQZMB5aue-nfx60p/view?usp=drivesdk To Read full story Please download the PDF there 👆.


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